Periodic Facade Inspection (PFI)

Introduced in the year 2020, Periodic Facade Inspection or PFI was introduced by the Building and Construction Authority to enhance the safety of building facades for public safety.

All buildings above the age of 20 years old and the highest point of roof is more than 13m have to be inspected once every 7 years.

BCA will inform the building owner through a Notice for PFI. The owner will than have to appoint a Competent Person who is trained and approved by BCA to carry out the facade inspection.

A Competent Person is a Registered Architect or Professional Civil or Structural Engineer who has undergone the requisite course by BCA. The list of Competent Persons can be found on the BCA website.

Our Principal Architect is a Qualified Person Registered with the Board of Architects Singapore and also on the Registry of Competent Persons to carry out the Periodic Facade Inspection. Contact us for a discussion if you have been given the Notice for PFI.